Sometime in the past few days the number of ECOLOG-L subscribers reached 20,000, up a thousand in the past seven months. The growth in subscribers since I started the list 23 years ago seems to be slowing down compared to the past four to five years, while the number of messages per week is perhaps still growing (not uncommonly over 100). Remember that there is a daily digest option if you'd prefer not to get individual messages. And there is an archive with a powerful search function

Thanks again to the University of Maryland for hosting the list. It is now the largest LISTSERV list hosted by the University, equivalent to over half the student population (which means that I have to limit the number of postings per hour). There are 1,400 subscribers from outside the United States, representing 61 countries, so the audience is quite international.

Many subscribers are members of the Ecological Society of America, but those of you who aren't can get information about membership (including student memberships) at the ESA Web site, <> Additional related lists are the the ESA-STUDENTS listserv list, and the ESANEWS list that provides a bi-monthly summary of policy news relevant to ESA members and other ecologists (see to subscribe), and occasional other messages from the ESA headquarters.

David Inouye, list owner and moderator

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