Post-doc research position (18 months) in population/landscape genetics 
in Yvonne Buckley’s population ecology research group, Trinity College 

A post-doctoral position in population/landscape genetics is available 
in Professor Yvonne Buckley’s ecology group 
in collaboration with Prof. Trevor Hodkinson’s molecular systematics 
group  at Trinity 
College Dublin. The post-doc is for 18 months. You will be part of a 
team funded by a Science Foundation Ireland grant to develop general 
predictions of the ecological and evolutionary responses of plant 
populations to the environment. 

You will work with data and samples from PLANTPOPNET, a coordinated 
distributed observational network for population ecology of Plantago 
lanceolata . You will be co-supervised 
by Prof. Trevor Hodkinson (Botany, School of Natural Sciences, Trinity 
College Dublin). You will develop microsatellite markers and/or use SNPs 
for P. lanceolata, design a sampling scheme, collect and analyse samples 
and analyse the resulting spatial and genetic data to determine how 
molecular diversity of Plantago lanceolata varies across its native and 
non-native ranges worldwide. There is scope to design landscape level 
sampling strategies in order to model population genetics at a finer 
scale. Additional data from PLANTPOPNET on trait distributions, 
population structure, density, management and environmental covariates 
will be available for testing hypotheses for how gene flow varies with 
the environment.

You will work with international networks of collaborators including, 
PLANTPOPNET ARC Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions  and the COMPADRE plant matrix database .
Yvonne Buckley is the coordinator of the PLANTPOPNET global 
observational network for Plantago lanceolata population biology. 

Candidates will enjoy working in a collaborative team but must be highly 
self-motivated and work well independently. Candidates will be expected 
to undertake high quality research of international significance and 
produce peer-reviewed publications in high impact international 
journals. Candidates may be expected to mentor PhD students and 
undergraduate students undertaking projects closely related to their 
work. Candidates are expected (and will be supported) to present their 
results at an international conference during the course of their 
postdoc. Candidates will be expected to take part in collaborative 
workshops either in Ireland or overseas to lead and work with 
collaborators on multi-authored papers.

The closing date for application is 15/02/16 with the position to start 
on or after 04/04/16. This is an 18 month position.

Specific requirements for each position are given below, followed by 
details of the application process.

Essential criteria:
1. PhD in a relevant area in evolution, ecology, population biology, 
genetics, plant sciences or zoology.
2. Experience in laboratory and analytical population genetics with SSRs 
and/or SNPs.

Desirable criteria:
1. High quality publications in international peer reviewed journals 
2. Experience with developing and using population models 
4. Use of R for data manipulation and analysis
5. Experience with comparative analysis using modern phylogenetic and 
population genetic methods
6. Experience with population genetics and/or landscape genetics 
7. Experience working in multi-author collaborations/workshops
8. Experience with GIS 
9. Experience with database design and/or use
10. Bioinformatics experience

For all positions the candidate’s PhD must have been attained by 

Salary range: 
Post-doctoral salary is based on the Irish Universities Association 
researcher salary scales for entry level postdoctoral researchers: The 
gross salary is €37,750 (+ pension contributions). Applications for 
part-time positions will be considered (pro-rata salary).

The postdocs will be based in the Zoology Building, Trinity College 
Dublin and use resources in the Botany and Zoology buildings and with 
collaborators/co-supervisors. The post-doctoral researchers will have 
access to a newly renovated terrestrial ecology lab and a population 
genetics lab.

Application process
Send an email to with an attached cv, the names of two 
referees, a full publication list, and cover letter addressing all of 
the essential criteria and giving evidence for the desirable criteria 
which you meet. Use one paragraph of the cover letter to outline your 
research ambitions through the post-doc.
Closing date for receipt of applications: 5pm GMT 15/02/16.

Likely interview date: Interviews will be conducted by skype, telephone 
or in person in March.

Likely start date: Post-doc positions can start on or after 04/04/2016.

Only applications received before the closing date will be considered.

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