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Dear All,

I just wanted to flag the upcoming conference in London (29th April) on 
satellite remote sensing and global biodiversity monitoring –


This symposium aims to bring together leading experts in biodiversity 
monitoring and satellite remote sensing to discuss ways to better capitalise 
on satellite remote sensing technology to monitor biological diversity 

The event will feature:
A poster competition with personal feedback provided by the speakers for all 
entries – deadline for poster submission is 13 April
A raffle for individual attendees to win a free lunch with all of the 
individual speakers.
A workshop on scientific writing offered to all attendees and organised by the 
journal Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation editorial team.

Confirmed speakers include:
Mat Disney, UCL
Doreen Boyd, Nottingham University
Gary Geller, Group on Earth Observations
Lucas Joppa, Microsoft Research
Emily Nicholson, Deakin University
Nathalie Pettorelli, Institute of Zoology, ZSL
Duccio Rocchini, Duccio Rocchini, Fondazione Edmund Mach
Shovonlol Roy, Reading University
Emma Tebbs, Kings College London
Martin Wegmann, Würzburg University

Best wishes


Dr Nathalie Pettorelli
Institute of Zoology
Zoological Society of London
Regent's Park,
London, United Kingdom
Tel: 0207 449 6334<>
Check out my new NDVI 

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