Im in Uganda and running a nonprofit for indigenous Batwa (conservation &
sustainable livelihoods), and trying to get a little money for my work here,
and so teaching this class online is a great way for me to do that. We were
set to start today but didn¹t get enough enrollees. I like to have at least
6 (and can take up to 15!)

WHAT: Online Nature/Science Writing Bootcamp!
WHEN: Starting July 2, runs for 6 weeks
WHERE: Online ­ everything takes place by email, with Resources on a
WHY: This course is jam-packed with useful information. You will get:
* Constructive feedback on your queries and writing
* Q&A interviews with environment/nature magazine editors including
> * Smithsonian Magazine
> * Audubon Magazine
> * Sierra Magazine
> * OnEarth Magazine
> * The Atlantic Magazine
> * Orion Magazine 
> * Bird Watcher's Digest and Birder's World magazines
> * National Wildlife Magazine
> * National Geographic
> * And many more!
* Weekly handouts with useful resources, articles, reviews, editor contacts
and more. 
* An attentive instructor that tailors the course to student interests
* View the course outline <>
HOW: Sign up here
(by Paypal credit/debit card or check)

i. Intro ­ Post Bios, Interests, What you want to learn from this class

I. Week 1 ­ Opening Pandora's Box
A. Outdoor Observation Journal ­ Assignment 1
B. Freelancing 101 ­ Resources

II. Week 2 ­ Know Thy Nature Magazine
A. Individual Market Study ­ Assignment 2
B. Environment/Nature Writing Resources
C. Editor Interviews/Q&As

III. Week 3 ­ Sharpening the Focus
A. Topic-Spoking: Assignment 3
B. Matching Ideas to Markets
C. Research ­ interviewing experts, doing research.

IV. Week 4 -- Crafting a Catchy Query
A. Develop a Query ­ Assignment 4
B. Feedback

V. Week 5 & 6 -- Research & Writing
OPTIONAL Assignment 5 Due anytime before class ends
(OR Catch up on previous assignments)
A. Essay writing ­ turn your journal entries into a saleable essay OR
B. Featurette ­ write a 1,200 word piece on a topic of your choice
C. Any remaining questions - ask away!

Wendee Nicole, M.S; Founder & Director, REDEMPTION SONG FOUNDATION

Growing Healthy Communities and Sustainable Ecosystems in Africa

 Freelance Writer * Photographer * Bohemian (
<> )
**Online 6-wk Magazine Writing Class starts July 2

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