My colleague Vickie Borowicz and I recently launched a crowdfunding effort for a project on the role of hemiparasitic plants in prairies and prairie restorations This work could provide land managers with information on how best to use hemiparasitic plants to enhance diversity of restored prairies, and provide basic scientists with important data testing hypotheses for the role of this under-studied life style in prairie communities. The crowdfunding would be directed at supporting graduate and undergraduate field workers in summer. We are at about 13% of our goal, with about 1 month left for the campaign. If we don’t reach the goal, there is no funding. If you can, we would appreciate your support for this work. If you are unable to donate, sharing it, particularly to members of the prairie restoration community would be an immense help. And THANKS! Steven A. Juliano BEES section, School of Biological Sci. Illinois State Univ., Normal, IL 61790-4120 ph. (309) 438-2642 FAX (309) 438-3722 Crowd-funding campaign:

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