A couple weeks ago I posed a question on this email list that we at
conservation news service Mongabay.com lacked the expertise to answer, and
I got a huge response, many of which suggested I contact the University of
Maryland’s National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center
<http://www.sesync.org/>. So for the latest episode of our podcast, we
spoke with Steven Alexander who's with SESC and the Stockholm Resilience
Center. He answers this question submitted by a Mongabay reader: *“What
areas or questions in socio-ecological research need the most attention
over the next decade?” *

Listen for Steven's answer(s) from minute 17 on:


Thanks to everyone for all the useful resources and comments!

Speaking of, please do leave a comment on the audio page above to continue
this conversation.

Best wishes,



Editor and Content Strategist

*twitter: @erikhoffner <https://twitter.com/ErikHoffner>*

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