Dear Ecologgers. I wanted to share the following announcement with all 
recently-minted or about-to-defend PhDs in areas of animal behavior and 
behavioral ecology. Please feel free to pass this on to any colleagues and 
students you think would be interested. This is a very student-friendly 
conference and the Allee Award is considered prestigious within the Animal 
Behavior Society. Thanks, John Swaddle.



The 2017 Warder Clyde Allee Session for Best Student Paper Competition will be 
held during the annual meeting of the Animal Behavior Society scheduled June 
12th through June 16th at the University of Toronto at Scarborough. All 
eligible students and recent graduates are encouraged to participate.

Eligibility requirements: Any independent graduate student research 
(including, but not limited to, the doctoral dissertation) is eligible to 
apply. The work presented may be part of a larger collaborative effort, but 
the applicant must be first author and have principal responsibility for 
conceptualization and design of the research, collection and analysis of the 
data, and interpretation of the results. The applicant cannot have been 
awarded the Ph.D. degree before the start of the preceding ABS annual meeting 
(for the 2017 meeting, this date is July 30, 2016). An individual can apply to 
the Allee competition only once per lifetime.

To submit an entry to the Allee Session, applicants must (1) check the 
appropriate box in the online abstract submission system for the annual 
meeting; (2) confirm that they meet all eligibility requirements; and (3) 
submit a PDF version of their Allee manuscript. All applications must be 
submitted on or before the 2017 meeting’s abstract submission date.

The Allee manuscript must consist of no more than seven double-spaced, line-
numbered, text pages (11 point font or larger), followed by no more than a 
total of four tables and figures. This limit does not include abstract, 
references, or acknowledgments. Thesis research that is already published may 
be included in the Allee paper as long as that work is cited appropriately. 
Allee manuscripts should be prepared with the same care and attention to 
detail as if the manuscript was being submitted to a leading journal, such as 
Animal Behaviour. 

Allee judges will evaluate manuscripts, and based on that evaluation will 
select a slate of applicants to be invited to present their research during 
the Allee Session at the annual meeting. Submission of an entry does not 
guarantee participation in the Allee Session, as it is a competitive process. 
If an applicant is not invited to participate in the Allee Session they will 
be guaranteed a regular oral presentations at the annual meeting.

For invited applicants, the oral presentation of research during the Allee 
Session must focus on the material presented in the submitted paper, but may 
also include other original research conducted by the applicant as well as 
general introductory and concluding remarks. Applicants who participate in the 
session are also expected to attend the Allee welcoming dinner and the Annual 
Meeting’s award ceremony, both of which occur during the annual meeting. 

Questions about the Allee Session should be addressed to ABS Second President-
Elect, John Swaddle (

To learn more about the Animal Behavior Society annual meeting, please visit 
the conference website at: 

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