Graduate Student Position in Soil Biogeochemistry/Microbial Ecology
I have an open position for a M.Sc. or Ph.D. student in soil 
biogeochemistry at the University of New Hampshire. My lab examines how 
soil organisms interact with their environment to regulate agroecosystem 
productivity and ecosystem processes such as nutrient cycling, organic 
matter turnover, and trace gas emissions. While we use a range of 
fundamental laboratory methods, which include molecular chemical and 
microbiological approaches, we always have an eye towards applying our 
results to improve ecosystem processes and management. The student�s 
research area may be in line with other lab projects but is flexible 
depending on student interests. Potential areas of inquiry could include 
seeking an understanding of 1) how plants and microbes interact to acquire 
N from organic pools through priming; 2) the potential for cover crops to 
enhance soil communities and soil health by diversifying agroecosystems; 3) 
the resilience of microbial communities and plant productivity to variable 
precipitation; 4) soil biogeochemical modeling, including microbial-
explicit modeling of soil carbon and nitrogen cycling; and 5) the role of 
soil food webs in soil organic matter dynamics. I�m very open, however, 
new directions if you have ideas. I also am open to accepting students from 
non-science and non-traditional backgrounds that are interested in changing 
career directions, and are motivated to create a more sustainable planet, 
starting from the ground up. For more information about the Grandy Lab 
visit here: The position start date is flexible but 
preferably fall semester 2017, or by January 2018 at the latest. Please 
contact Stuart Grandy with your interests if this position sounds like a 
good fit,, with �graduate student 092017� 
in the 
subject heading. Applications will be considered until the position is 

Stuart Grandy
Roland H. O'Neil Associate Professor of Soil Biogeochemistry and Fertility
University of New Hampshire

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