Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce a "Workshop on the Science and Management of Ash 
Forests after Emerald Ash Borer", to be held in Duluth, MN, USA, 25 - 27 
July, 2017.

The registration is now open at
Registration Deadline: 31 May 2017

The workshop will focus on the effects of emerald ash borer on ash forests, 
including ecological effects and management activities used to address the 
post-invasion of emerald ash borer. Our intent is to discuss the state of 
the science and management and to strengthen networking and collaborations 
across forest management and research on the following and other related 

• Ecological effects
• Silvicultural practices
• Effects on hydrology and soils
• Management, mitigation, or adaptation
• Effects on other forest uses
• Ecosystem processes and stores, including carbon and nutrient cycling

We have also arranged for a special issue of Forests focused on the effects 
of emerald ash borer on ash forests, and invite you to submit a manuscript 
by 31 December 2017. Submissions can be made via:

We are looking forward to seeing you in Duluth. 

Best regards,

Dr. Randy K. Kolka (
Research Soil Scientist  
USDA Forest Service,
Northern Research Station
Grand Rapids, MN 

Dr. Tony D'Amato (
Associate Professor
in Silviculture and Applied Forest Ecology
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT 

Dr. Nam Jin Noh (
Forest Ecologist 
School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science
Michigan Technological University
Houghton, MI

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