Hi everyone!

Small intro as I just joined the mailing list: I’m Stéphane De Greef, 
Environmental Engineer from Belgium, currently working in Cocobolo Nature 
Reserve, central Panama. Some of you may already know me for my photography 
work, my few publications the biodiversity of Cambodia (where I lived for 13 
years until last December), or my admin job on The Entomology Group on Facebook 

My work in Panama focuses on surveying and documenting insects and other 
terrestrial arthropods, science communication and coordinating research for the 
Cocobolo reserve and its field station, where I’m currently based. The 
diversity of the place is astounding, considering its key location at the 
narrowest part of the mesoamerican biological bridge. We get South American and 
Central American species, Caribbean and Pacific influences, and an elevation 
gradient from rainforests at 200m to cloud forests at 800m. The dry season is 
from January to March and the rainy season from April to December.

I’m happy to inform you that our field station has recently been upgraded and 
is now fully operational. We will be open all year long, except at the high of 
the rainy season (usually Oct-Nov) when high river levels make the access 
difficult. We’re only 2 to 3 hours drive northeast of Panama City and have a 
capacity of 20+ persons, with comfortable tent accommodation, large 
working/research/tuition space, kitchen, showers, electricity and broadband 
internet. We welcome anyone interested in conducting entomology field courses, 
research and related activities. Having a special interest in Entomology, I 
welcome any idea, suggestion or proposition of collaboration.

Also, from 27 August to 3 September 2017, I’ll be conducting the first BugCamp, 
a week-long introduction to the diversity of neotropical arthropods for the 
general public. Not really targeting professional entomologists, it has been 
developed for people with no specific backgrounding in biology who want to 
experience the tropics and learn about insects, arachnids and myriapods. I 
still have a few spots lefts for the camp and will likely conduct more in 2018.

For more information and pictures about:

- my photography & SciComm work: www.stephanedegreef.com / 
- the reserve: www.crea-panama.org/cocobolo-nature-reserve/ and 
- the field station: www.crea-panama.org/cocobolo-nature-reserve/field-station/
- the arthropods diversity: 
- the upcoming tropical entomology camp for general public: www.bugcamps.com

If you have any question or might be interested in working with us, please 
don’t hesitate to contact me directly at steph...@stephanedegreef.com.

See you soon!


Stéphane De Greef
Resident Scientist

Cocobolo Nature Reserve, Panama
www.Crea-Panama.org • Fb.com/CocoboloNature
Skype: stephane_degreef

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