PhD Student Opening (Univ of Wyoming): WILDLIFE POPULATION GENOMICS
See details at website:

A PhD student position is available to work on wildlife population genomics
and health at the University of Wyoming (UW) in Laramie. The position will
be primarily lab-based within the Ernest Wildlife Genomics and Disease
Ecology Laboratory in the Department of Veterinary Sciences with course work
and degree granted in the UW Graduate Program in Ecology (PiE; Research will use genomic and other genetic tools
to study wildlife populations in the Rocky Mountain West and/or California,
especially mammal species, and with intersections with disease ecology.

The Ernest Wildlife Genomics and Disease Ecology Laboratory is a dynamic and
highly collaborative lab at UW with University of California affiliation and
works with other academic institutions, as well as state, federal, and
non-governmental agencies. check out our work at  There are many opportunities to work
with recognized leaders who apply excellence in science toward wildlife
conservation and management. Quality mentorship of trainees of all
educational levels, including this PhD student position, is a priority for
the laboratory. University of Wyoming hosts excellent wildlife and ecology
science and a collegial academic atmosphere. Laramie offers easy access to
the Rocky Mountains and outdoor activities including skiing, hiking,
climbing, birding, and sport-hunting.

To apply for this position first review the qualifications desired here:

Next, please submit an electronic application via email in PDF format
(preferably as a single pdf file) by email to with
subject line including “Wildlife Genomics PhD student application” and
include a cover letter stating research and education interests, C.V.,
transcripts and GPA for undergrad and MS grad program, GRE scores (exam
taken within 5 years) including both percentiles and specifically list how
the “required” and any of the “preferred” qualifications are met, and the
contact information (name, position, email, phone, institutional
affiliation, and research area) for at least three research/academic-related
references including MS adviser(s) to Dr. Holly Ernest, Professor of
Wildlife Genomics and Disease Ecology and Wyoming Excellence Chair. 

Preferred start date is for Fall 2017 semester (considerations also might be
made for Spring 2018 (January 2018). Applications reviews will begin as soon
as received after June 1, 2017, and the position may remain open until filled.
Holly Ernest DVM PhD
Professor, Wildlife genomics and disease ecology
Wyoming Excellence Chair in Disease Ecology

Department of Veterinary Sciences
Program in Ecology
University of Wyoming, Laramie   |   |  
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