The Department of Biology at Virginia Commonwealth University invites 
applications for a coastal 
ecologist who studies plant biology in the context of global change. The 
candidate must have 
experience working across scales ranging from the organismal to landscape using 
laboratory studies, 
fieldwork, and remote sensing. This is a nine-month, tenure-track position at 
the rank of Assistant 
Professor. Anticipated start date is 10 August 2017, contingent on funding. 
Priority will be given to 
those candidates with a strong background in plant physiological ecology and 
whose research 
focuses on barrier island systems along the North American Atlantic coast. 
Candidates should show 
a strong record of graduate and undergraduate research mentoring, demonstrated 
development and instruction including undergraduate and graduate-level plant 
ecology and coastal 
ecology, and have demonstrated the potential to secure funding for research.

The successful candidate will be expected to establish an innovative, 
extramurally-funded research 
program in their area of expertise, teach undergraduate courses in our core 
curriculum, and develop 
a graduate-level course in their specific area. The faculty member should 
strive to broaden 
participation among members of under-represented groups. They also should 
demonstrate through 
research, teaching, and/or public engagement the richness of diversity in the 
learning experience 
and will integrate multicultural approaches and perspectives into instructional 
methods and research 
tools. Other preferred qualifications include demonstrated ability to secure 
funding from federal and 
private sectors, mentoring and publishing with undergraduate and graduate 
students, and active 
participation in collaborative research networks. We seek applicants with lived 
experiences, research, 
and/or professional service informed by worldviews and/or perspectives about 
minority group status 
including race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, and disability and who 
are committed to work in 
and foster a diverse faculty, staff, and student environment at VCU.

Virginia Commonwealth University has an enrollment of 32,000 students, 
including over 2,000 
undergraduate and over 75 graduate students in Biology. The Department of 
( has 50 faculty and affiliated members with diverse research 
interests in Cell 
Regulation, Evolution, and Ecological Processes and Applications. In addition 
to a M.S. program, 
Biology is served by a doctoral program in Integrative Life Sciences that 
provides five years of 
student support. Applicants must have a Ph.D. degree and appropriate 
post-doctoral research 
experience to establish an independent research program and obtain extramural 
funding. Please 
apply online at (position # F55450) and be prepared to submit a 
cover letter, CV, 
and statements of research interests and teaching philosophy. You will be asked 
to list names and 
email addresses of three references. An email will be sent to your references, 
asking them to upload 
a letter of recommendation, which is due by the closing date, 16 June 2017.
Virginia Commonwealth University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action 
Employer. Women, 
minorities, veterans, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

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