A post-doctoral position is available for research on issues related to species 
diversity, habitat destruction and fragmentation, extinction and/or other 
conservation issues. Research may be conceptual, theoretical or experimental; 
regional or global; and might focus on human-caused extinction risks (such as 
agricultural land clearing, bush-meat hunting) and their prevention; design of 
protected areas; causes of multispecies coexistence in foodwebs; or other 
diversity, extinction and conservation issues proposed by an applicant.

Starting date is negotiable and may be anytime within the coming year.

Work location may be either site where David Tilman is a professor (St. Paul, 
Minnesota; Santa Barbara, California).

Position is annually renewable for up to three years.

All applications submitted by July 25 2017 will be fully considered, and the 
position will remain open until filled.

To apply, submit a CV, a cover letter stating your research interests, and up 
to three reprints or manuscripts to www.myu.umn.edu/employment (Job ID# 
317491). Three letters of recommendation should be sent to David Tilman 
(til...@umn.edu; or til...@ucsb.edu). 

The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity employer.

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