Call for Abstracts!!!
Submit an abstract to CUAHSI’s sessions at the AGU Fall Meeting (December 11 – 
15, 2017 in New Orleans, LA).
Deadline to submit is August 2nd.

To submit an abstract, please visit


Submit an abstract to the following CUAHSI sessions:

ED044. Virtual Community Platforms and Data Tools for Enabling Geoscience 
Research and 
Session ID: 25314

Effective research in the geosciences requires a combination of discovering, 
analyzing, managing, and publishing data. Community platforms and data tools 
are being developed to aid researchers, students, and educators in 
accomplishing these tasks so that they can better focus their efforts on 
addressing current scientific issues. Many tools are available online and can 
be accessed through services, thus creating Virtual Research Environments that 
enhance the sharing of data and tools. We solicit contributions that discuss 
successes and challenges in developing tools, applications, and platforms that 
enable data discovery, data sharing and publishing, and data management to 
support the next generation of research in geosciences.

IN013. Challenges and Benefits of Open Source Software and Open 
Session ID: 23607

Scientists rely on a broad range of software tools and services to conduct 
their research such as GIS, data hosting and discovery platforms, data 
processing packages, and modelling suites. The continued development of these 
tools is essential to improving our understanding of critical geoscience 
questions. Open source software and open data foster reusing and adopting 
existing scientific results. Due to the increasing needs for data analysis and 
infrastructure, earth and space sciences benefits from adopting these 
practices. In addition, open source software enhances capabilities of 
researchers, science teams, and new users and allows them to build more 
capable, reliable, reusable and long-lasting software. Reusing open source 
software and data can be synergistic and beneficial for research 
collaborations, as well as challenging to govern. This session discusses ways 
to address the challenges and benefits of open science, as well as cutting-edge 
tools and services that support the needs of the community.

H072: Hyper-Resolution Hydrologic Modeling: Progress and 
Session ID: 26938

Growing water stakeholder demands, the availability of accurate, 
high-resolution terrain and remote sensing data, and rapidly  increasing 
computational capabilities continue to enable process-based hydrologic modeling 
at ‘hyper-resolution’ scales, on the order of 10-50m.  For example, flash flood 
prediction and surface-groundwater coupling in urbanized areas or in 
steep-terrain requires high spatial and temporal resolution modeling.  
Operational forecasting systems, such as the NOAA National Water Model among 
others, now are developing methods for operational hyper-resolution hydrologic 
prediction applications.  As such there is now a need to demonstrate and 
rigorously assess the fidelity of hyper-resolution hydrologic models and flood 
inundation prediction capabilities.  Papers are solicited that cover a spectrum 
of topics such as: the trade-off between modeling resolution, accuracy, and 
computational requirements; real-time flood forecasting/mapping applications; 
hydrologic/hydraulic model complexity; terrain feature description; model 
initialization and lateral boundary forcing specification. Contributions 
discussing novel model evaluation methodologies are also welcome.

To view other sessions that may be of interest, please visit the CUAHSI 

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