Hello ECOLOGers,
UCS and UCS staff have several super interesting events and sessions at ESA 
this year - check them out here and below, and make sure to RSVP to the social 
and the screening of the award-winning documentary Chasing Coral!

Union of Concerned Scientists at the Ecological Society of America 2017 Annual 
August 7-11, 2017 | Portland, Oregon  
Say Hello to UCS at ESA!
Stop by the booth #503 to talk with UCS staff and scientists, pick up copies of 
our latest reports, and find out how you can join our efforts to put rigorous, 
independent science to work to solve our planet's most pressing problems. UCS 
buttons, “Got Science?” stickers, and other materials will be available while 
supplies last.

To stay informed about our work throughout the year, join the UCS Science 
Network. |

The Union of Concerned Scientists cordially invites you to the following events 
and presentations at the Ecological Society of America (ESA) 2017 Annual 
Meeting, featuring experts from UCS and the academic, government, and nonprofit 
sectors. The conference will take place at the Oregon Convention Center in 
UCS Networking Happy Hour
 Wednesday, August 9 | 5:30–7:30 p.m. | Spirit of 77 Bar, 500 NE MLK Blvd. 
(across from the convention center)Meet and mingle with Ricardo Salvador, 
director of the UCS Food and Environment Program; Gretchen Goldman, research 
director in the Center for Science in Democracy at UCS; Astrid Caldas, climate 
scientist in the Climate & Energy Program; and other UCS staff to learn about 
our work. This reception will be a great opportunity to connect with others who 
are using their scientific expertise to positively influence our health, 
safety, and environmental protections, and to learn about ways to be involved. 
Snacks and a complimentary drink will be provided. Please RSVP to attend.Movie 
Screening: Chasing Coral
Thursday, August 10 | 5:00–8:00 p.m. | Living Room Theater, 341 SW Tenth 
Ave.Coral reefs around the world are vanishing at an unprecedented rate. A team 
of divers, photographers, and scientists set out on a thrilling ocean adventure 
to discover why—and to reveal this underwater mystery to the world. This 
special screening will wrap with a question-and-answer session with UCS climate 
scientists about the film. Join us for a pre-screening reception at 5:00 p.m., 
the screening begins at 6:00 p.m. Please RSVP to attend.
The Endangered Species Act Under Attack: Opportunities for Independent Science 
(SYMP 3)
Monday, August 7 | 1:30–5:00 p.m. | Portland Ballroom 253
Gretchen Goldman, research director, Center for Science and Democracy at UCS
 Charise Johnson, research associate, Center for Science and Democracy at UCS
 This session discusses the role of independent science in the Endangered 
Species Act in the current political context and explores ways that scientists 
can participate in and inform agency decisionmaking at FWS and NOAA. Charise 
will present on the new UCS toolkit for scientists engaging on the Endangered 
Species Act and Gretchen Goldman will moderate.Ecological and Societal Impacts 
of Transitioning to More Sustainable Agroecosystem Management: The Case of Beef 
Production Systems (COS 36-7)
 Tuesday, August 8 | 8:00–11:30 a.m. | Meeting Room B112
Marcia DeLonge, senior scientist, UCS Food & Environment Program
 Analyses of industrial farming and common diets have offered insight into some 
of the ecosystem consequences of food, and particularly beef, production. In 
this talk, we explore ways that conventional cropping systems that currently 
support beef production could be redesigned based on agroecological principles 
(conservation cropping, managed grazing), and evaluate possible tradeoffs 
related to food production as well as soil carbon and nitrogen fluxes, fuel 
use, grey and green water use, and farmer profits.Physiological Responses of 
White Ash Trees to One of the Driest and Warmest Years in US History (COS 30 – 
Climate Change: Plants II)
 Tuesday, August 8 | 8:00–11:30 a.m. | Meeting Room B118-119
Jacob Carter, research scientist, Center for Science and Democracy at UCS
 Extreme years (i.e., years in which temperature or precipitation dramatically 
deviate from long-term mean conditions) are expected to become more common as 
climate change progresses. In this talk, Jacob Carter will discuss results from 
an eight-year study investigating the effects of the warmest year in U.S. 
history (2012), which was also one of the driest at this study site, on the 
physiological functioning of 41 populations of white ash trees sourced from 
across the U.S. and planted in a common garden in Lawrence, Kansas.Linking 
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in a Changing World with the Paris Climate 
Agreement (WK 44)
 Tuesday, August 8 | 11:30 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. | Meeting Room E141
Brenda Ekwurzel, UCS director of climate science
 Astrid Caldas, climate scientist, UCS Climate & Energy Program
 Which are the critical ecosystems most at risk of being completely transformed 
if the Paris Climate Agreement is not implemented? Which ecosystems are likely 
to be most resilient? Find out more from the session moderated by Astrid 
Caldas, with panelists Camille Parmesan (professor NMA chair in public 
understanding of marine science & human health, Plymouth University), Osvaldo 
Sala (director, Global Drylands Institute, Arizona State University), Ove 
Hoegh-Guldberg (professor and director, Global Change Institute, University of 
Queensland), and Brenda Ekwurzel. Audience contribution is a main goal to 
encourage experts to contribute peer-reviewed submissions in time for the 
second-order draft of the IPCC Special Report on 1.5˚C. 
Local Ecology-Policy Connections in the Pacific Northwest and Beyond (SS 18)
 Tuesday, August 8 | 8:00–10:00 p.m. | Meeting Room B114
Astrid Caldas, climate scientist, UCS Climate & Energy ProgramMid-Atlantic 
Chapter Mentoring and Recruiting Event for Students and Early Career Ecologists
 Wednesday, August 9 | 7:00–8:00 a.m. | Meeting Room A106
Astrid Caldas, climate scientist, UCS Climate & Energy Program
 Note: this session is limited to 50 attendees.  Astrid Caldas, PhD
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