The Editorial Board
   <> of
   /*Rhodora*/ is pleased to announce a new section of the journal,
   entitled /*"Featured Review"*/, which will focus on topics relating
   to the systematics, floristics, ecology, paleobotany,
   phytogeography, conservation biology, or restoration ecology of the
   flora of northeastern North America or floristically related areas.
   There are *no page charges*and the reviews will be *open access*.
   The aim of the /*Featured Review*/ section is to provide a venue to
   synthesize current topics of broad botanical interest, particularly
   in areas that have had a significant body of research conducted in
   recent decades. The reviews must synthesize key literature and
   highlight significant insights that can lead to better understanding
   of the topic and should recommend areas for future research that
   would lead to advances in the field. The reviews should not exceed
   15,000 words, including references. All reviews will be
   peer-reviewed by two external reviewers and the Editor-in-Chief, Dr.
   Nishanta Rajakaruna. Authors interested in preparing a review may
   submit a one-page proposal to the Editor-in-Chief via email at <>. Members of the
   New England Botanical Club and readers of /*Rhodora*/ are also
   welcome to suggest topics for review and/or authors to be invited to
   write a review for this exciting new feature of */Rhodora/*.

First */Featured Review <>/* Published in /*Rhodora*/: <>


Nishanta Rajakaruna <>
Associate Professor <> in Plant Biology, Biological Sciences Department <>, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
Office: 33-367
Office Phone: 805-756-2836

Editor-in-Chief, /Rhodora/ <>


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