The Moeller Lab <> (part of the Department
of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology <> and
the Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Marine Science
<> at the University of California, Santa
Barbara) seeks Ph.D. students interested in the study of metabolic
interactions among species. The lab uses a combination of field
observations, laboratory experiments, and mathematical models to understand
acquired metabolism, metabolic reactions that (rather than being encoded in
an organism's DNA) are obtained from other species. Mechanisms of
acquisition vary from mutually beneficial exchanges of metabolites to
parasitism and predation. Our goal is to connect these acquisitions to
shifts in ecological niche relevant to ecosystem function, and explore the
evolutionary implications of these metabolic "short-cuts".

In addition to enthusiasm for ecology and evolution, applicants should have
some background in mathematics (coursework including Multivariable Calculus
and Differential Equations, or relevant research experience is preferred).
Prospective students interested in the study systems listed here
<> are
particularly encouraged to apply; however, research in the Moeller Lab is
diverse and students will be encouraged to develop and pursue independent
research projects as part of their dissertation work.

Interested students should contact me to discuss relevant research
interests and qualifications. Please write to and
include (1) a brief description of your research interests and, in
particular, how they overlap with the lab's focus; (2) a summary of your
mathematical background and relevant research experience; and (3) a CV
which includes your GPA, professional references, and GRE scores.

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