UC Davis received a $3M award from the National Science Foundation in support 
of a new Research 
Traineeship (NRT) program “Sustainable Oceans: From Policy to Science to 
Decisions”. Our Sustainable 
Oceans NRT will train the next generation of PhD marine scientists under a new 
paradigm that puts the 
policy focus on the front-end of the research and training enterprise as a 
means of building more 
effective links between the science and decisions on sustainable use of living 
marine resources.  The 
basis of the new interdisciplinary paradigm is combining traditional graduate 
training in core disciplines 
and interdisciplinary courses on marine science and policy with immersion into 
the policy process and 
politics surrounding ecosystem-based fishery management. 
The first cohort of trainees will start in the fall of 2018. Over 5 years, we 
anticipate training 60 PhD 
students, including 30 funded trainees, from the fields of ecology, 
conservation biology, economics, 
geology, physiology, biogeochemistry, and oceanography.
If you would like to learn more about this program, please visit 

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