The Berkeley Natural History Museums, the Berkeley Initiative for Global Change 
Biology, and iDigBio are pleased to announce Emerging Innovations for 
Data, the second annual Digital Data in Biodiversity Research Conference, to be 
held in 
Berkeley, CA, 4-6 June 2018.

Registration and abstract submission will open in January 2018. This conference 
again provide an important opportunity to explore digital data tools, 
discoveries, and outcomes across the biodiversity sciences. For further details 
and to 
continue to monitor progress, visit the conference announcement at
you received this notice second hand and want to ensure that you remain on the 
list, please contact Gil Nelson at iDigBio (

Please save the date and watch for further announcements via several listservs 
and on 
the iDigBio website ( 

Gil Nelson, PhD
Research Faculty
iDigBio Steering Committee
Integrated Digitized Biocollections
Institute for Digital Information and Scientific Communication
College of Communication and Information

Courtesy Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium
Florida State University

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