Species traits :  a functional approach to biodiversity, from organisms to 
Intensive international graduate course offered in Colombia, May 27th - June 
1st, 2018

- Presentation of concepts and theory related to plant functional traits

- Analysis of traits at organismal, community and ecosystem levels, 
relationship to  ecosystem function

- Examples of use for land use change, climate change, plant-microbe 

- Functional diversity indices: theory and application

- Presentation of available data banks and their correct use: intro to 

- In teams: practice of trait measurements in the field and lab, analysis of 
data and presentation of results (leaf traits, physiological traits, root 

Practical Information
The price of 300 US$ (370 CAN$, 240 euros) includes room, breakfast and lunch, 
as well as transportation to the field school from Bogota. The school is in the 
historic city of Villa de Leyva, with field work in the surrounding forest, and 
a hike to the páramo ecosystem at altitude. See the page here to apply to the 
course: http://www.urosario.edu.co/Programa-de 

Who? Students from MSc, PhD programs, postdoctoral fellows, and professors are 

The deadline for application is March 8th and accepted students will be 
informed by mid-March. For any questions, refer to Juan Posada : 

The course is hosted by Juan 
Posada<http://www.cef-cfr.ca/index.php?n=Membres.JuanPosada>, Universidad el 
Rosario, Bogota. The professors are Bill 
Shipley<http://www.cef-cfr.ca/index.php?n=Membres.BillShipley> and Alison 
Munson (Canada), Eric 
 (France) and Francesco de Bello (Czech Republic). The web page for the course 
in English and French, is available here:

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