The ESA Early Career Ecologist section is pleased to announce our

*2018 Mentorship Program*

*Are you attending the ESA Annual Meeting in New Orleans (Aug 5-10)?*

*Are you a graduating student (MS or PhD) or <3 years post-degree?* Apply
to be a *mentee* and be matched with an established 

*Are you an established ecologist (broadly defined, definitely including
non-traditional academics)*?  Sign up to be a *mentor* ,
pay it forward and guide a young scientist!

*What is the mentorship program?*

Our semi-formal mentoring program pairs early career ecologists –
selected advanced graduate students (within 1 year of graduating) and
recent post-graduates (within 3 years of obtaining their degree) – with
established ecologists (across career pathways) to establish mentoring
relationships, structured around interactions the week of the ESA Annual
Meeting and beyond. We will also provide training for mentees on how to get
the most out of mentorship relationships, organize a social gathering for
this years cohort at the Annual Meeting,  and more!

*Who are the mentors and how are they matched?*

Typically, our mentors cover a broad range of ecological sub-disciplines
and positions, at more senior career stages. Pairs will be matched based on
mentee preference and suitability, but we encourage mentees to think beyond
their immediate discipline and build a broader network. We also encourage
mentees to identify specific interests- e.g. Primarily undergraduate
institutions, government, policy, leadership positions, or
outreach/extension, for the best possible fit. Mentors will not be from
someone from the mentee’s home institution or a current or past
*Mentees*: details on how to apply can be found at *Applications accepted until April 16!*

*Mentors:* details on the program can be found here
 and you can sign up in 2 minutes at

For questions or comments, please contact the *ECE Mentorship Program
Officer, Fiona Soper *(

Matthew Aiello-Lammens, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies and Science
Director of the Graduate Program in Environmental Science
Pace University
Pleasantville, NY

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