A popular science blog is looking for writers, specifically graduate students 
and post-docs 
interested in writing about evolutionary biology (broadly defined).

EvoBites publishes pieces written by scientists, who pick an article from the 
literature and synthesize it for laypeople in a way that captures all of the 
science while 
remaining accessible. You can find more about what weíre looking for and apply 
to join 
here: https://evobites.com/for-contributors/.

Thereís also the potential to get involved in more than writing. We are open to 
ideas and 
working with folks who are interested (editing, web design, etc.). Itís an 
especially exciting 
time to get involved because EvoBites is part of a larger community of ìbitesî 
(e.g., astrobites.org, oceanbites.org), which are currently working on 
supporting one 
another by creating an aggregate site of all of our work, as securing funding 
to more 
effectively promote all of the bites sites and to improve the quality of our 

Please email evobites.b...@gmail.com if interested. We would love to hear from 

Catherine Chen
Co-Editor in Chief of EvoBites

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