Drs. Michelle Afkhami and Christopher Searcy are interested in hiring a 
postdoctoral scholar studying Landscape Ecology of Plant-Microbial
Interactions in the Department of Biology at University of Miami (Miami,

The postdoctoral scholar will conduct research to investigate the role
of plant-microbial interactions in the landscape ecology and
conservation of plant species in the imperiled Florida Scrub ecosystem.
We envision approximately 50% of the postdoctoral scholar’s time (or
more depending on her or his interests) will include projects focusing
on the effects of plant-microbial interactions on landscape-scale
species distributions and/or plant demography. The other ~50% of time
will be spent on postdoc-developed projects. We are looking for a
postdoctoral scholar who can bring his or her perspective to the system
and develop new ideas to pursue. The postdoc will have the opportunity
to collect, analyze, and integrate multiple forms of data (e.g., new
greenhouse/field experiments, existing long term field data, soil
microbial sequencing data), learn new modeling and molecular skills
(e.g., Species Distribution Modeling, Integral Projection Modeling,
high-throughput single cell sequencing), mentor undergraduate and
graduate students, and write papers.

Dr. Chris Searcy is a landscape ecologist who will advise the postdoc on
modeling and landscape ecology, and Dr. Michelle Afkhami will advise on
plant-microbe and molecular methods. This research will be done at
University of Miami and the nearby Archbold Biological Station

Candidates must have a Ph.D. in Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, or a
related discipline, and experience conducting research with plants,
microbes, and/or modeling (ideally plant-microbial interactions). Other
important qualifications are a background in statistical methods, a
strong work ethic, problem-solving and time management skills, a track
record of publications, and independent research experience. A
background in demographic modeling, species distribution modeling,
microbial community sequencing, and/or data analysis in R are desirable
but not required.

This is a one year position with an expectation for renewal provided
that first-year performance is satisfactory. Start date is flexible, but
an ideal candidate would be able to begin June 2018 or soon thereafter.

Please send your CV (including contact information for 3 references), a
short description of previous experience, and reasons for wanting this
job to Dr. Michelle Afkhami (mea...@miami.edu). Learn more about the
position at https://michelleafkhami.wordpress.com/join-the-lab/.

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