Dear Colleagues,

Registration is open for the course Introduction to Ecological Niche Modeling

Dates: November 19th-23rd, 2018, Barcelona (Spain)

INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Neftalí Sillero (Centro de Investigação em Ciências 

Program and registration:

This course will teach you the base theory of ecological niche modelling and 
its main methodologies. By the end of this 5-day practical course, you will 
have the capacity to perform ecological niche models and understand their 
results. You will be able to choose and apply the correct methodology depending 
in the aim of your study and type of datasets.

The course will be mainly practical, with some theoretical lectures. All 
modelling processes and calculations will be performed with R, the free 
software environment for statistical computing and graphics 

Students will learn to use modelling algorithms like Maxent, Bioclim, Domain, 
and logistic regressions, and R packages for computing ENMs like Dismo and 
Biomod2. Also, students will learn to compare different ecological niche models 
with Ecospat package.

This course is orientated to PhD and MSc students, as well as other students 
and researchers working on biogeography, spatial ecology, or related 

Requeriments: Basic knowledge in Geographical Information Systems and R 
statistical package is necessary.

PLACE:  Capellades, Barcelona (Spain).

Organized by Transmitting Science.

Places are limited and will be covered by strict registration order.

With best regards

Soledad De Esteban-Trivigno,PhD.
Scientific Director
Transmitting Science

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