For science podcasts, a few with varying amounts of ecological content I
recommend the following:

Hakai Magazine Audio Edition, Mongabay Newscast, Nature Podcast, Science
Magazine Podcast, Science Vs., Scientific American Podcast, and terrestrial.



On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 11:43 AM Samuel Raasch <> wrote:

> Awesome, can't wait to listen. I was just complaining to a colleague about
> the (perceived) lack of good podcasts that focus on
> conservation/biology/ecology. Good luck! Anyone else have favorite science
> podcasts (other than RadioLab or Startalk) that this listserv should check
> out?
> *Sam Raasch*
> *Clean Fairfax Council*
> 202-253-0570
> On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 9:24 AM Lynn B. Martin <> wrote:
>> Please spread the word about Big Biology (, a podcast
>> hosted by Dr. Art Woods
>> from the University of Montana and Dr. Marty Martin from the University
>> of South Florida.  Our goal is to
>> discuss some of the big ideas in biology with experts in the field, but
>> in a fun and engaging way for a
>> broad audience.
>> We're up to episode 6 right now, having talked to Carl Zimmer about the
>> future of biology, Barbara Han
>> about predicting disease epidemics, Jon Harrison and Jim Brown about
>> scaling, Sheila Patek about fast
>> movements in shrimp, Denis Noble about randomness, and Robert Dudley
>> about why primates consume
>> alcohol.  Next up is Massimo Pigliucci on phenotypic plasticity and niche
>> construction.  In the coming
>> weeks, we'll also be posting episodes with Fred Tauber, an immunologist
>> covering the concept of self,
>> Vinnie Cassone on time-keeping in animals, Sara Walker on a universal
>> theory of life, and Patty Brennan
>> on genital evolution.
>> Please check it out and let us know what you think on our Facebook page,
>> or just spread the word over
>> Twitter and your other social media favorites.
>> We're also very interested to learn what big biology is to you and who
>> you'd like to hear on an episode,
>> so share your ideas directly with us via email or post them to our
>> Facebook page
>> (
>> We hope you like it!
>> Marty and Art

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