Dear Colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to the following 2018 AGU Fall Meeting 
session on “Ocean-atmosphere influence on terrestrial ecosystems: patterns, 
processes, and predictability”. We encourage you to submit an abstract to our 
session by the final deadline of the August 1st.

GC071: Ocean-atmosphere influence on terrestrial ecosystems: patterns, 
processes, and 
 Session ID#: 43961

Session Description:
Terrestrial ecosystems provide humanity with numerous important services, among 
them removal of CO2 from the atmosphere. Understanding how coupled 
ocean-atmosphere circulation systems influence terrestrial ecosystems through 
their teleconnected impacts on climate could lead to improved seasonal 
forecasting of vegetation dynamics in advance of the growing season onset, 
while also providing insight into longer-term changes that may occur if the 
mean or variability of these oceanic and atmospheric circulation systems shift 
in the future. In this session, we will explore: i) past patterns of 
ocean-atmosphere influence on ecosystem functions like primary production and 
phenology, ii) the processes that drive these patterns, iii) the predictability 
of ecosystem functions in advance by capitalizing on lags between circulation 
systems, surface climate, and vegetation activity, and iv) the potential of new 
observations and analysis techniques to advance our understanding of the 
coupling between oceans, the atmosphere, and terrestrial ecosystems.
Confirmed invited speakers: Abigail 
Swann<> (UW) and 
Valerie Trouet<> 

Primary Convener:  Matthew P. 
University of Iowa, Department of Geographical and Sustainability Sciences, 
Iowa City, IA, United States; University of Arizona, School of Natural 
Resources and the Environment, Tucson, AZ, United States

Conveners:  William K. 
Smith<>, University 
of Arizona, School of Natural Resources and the Environment, Tucson, AZ, United 
States and Ana 
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Department für Geographie, München, 

William Kolby Smith
Assistant Professor,
School of Natural Resources and the Environment,
N417 Environment & Natural Resources 2,
University of Arizona
Phone: (520)621-1056
Skype: wkolby | Twitter: @wkolby<><>

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