Graduate Research Assistantship Announcement
School of Natural Resources
University of Missouri

“Silvicultural options for improving the quality and composition of 
mixed bottomland hardwood forests of Missouri”

A graduate research assistantship at the PhD level is available with Dr. 
Benjamin Knapp in the School of Natural Resources 
( at the University of Missouri. 
This research project is designed to evaluate the ecological factors 
limiting oak regeneration in bottomland hardwood forests, determine 
effects of past silvicultural treatments on bottomland hardwood 
successional dynamics, and develop silvicultural protocols for 
regenerating desirable species in this forest type. This research 
project is a collaborative effort between MU School of Natural 
Resources, the Missouri Department of Conservation, and the USDA Forest 
Service Northern Research Station, offering the successful candidate the 
opportunity to develop professional experience across organizations.

The duties of this position will include field sampling of bottomland 
hardwood forests, organization and analyses of data collected previously 
and by the candidate, and the completion of a dissertation and peer-
reviewed publications, as well as the successful completion of the 
requirements of the degree. Competitive candidates for this position 
will have a M.S. degree in forestry or a closely related discipline, 
proficiency in written and oral communication, strong GRE scores, and 
evidence of scholastic success. Preference will be given to applicants 
who are self-motivated and enthusiastic about conducting field-based 
research. The position will be based in Columbia, MO, with field work 
throughout different bottomland hardwood ecosystems in Missouri. The 
position is available to begin in August 2018.

The successful candidate will receive tuition support, a competitive 
stipend (at least $24,000 per year), and health insurance. To apply, 
please submit the following to Dr. Benjamin Knapp: 
1)      personal statement of career goals
2)      resume or curriculum vitae
3)      transcripts
4)      GRE scores
5)      contact information for three references

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until a 
candidate is selected. 

Dr. Benjamin Knapp
Assistant Professor
School of Natural Resources 
University of Missouri
203S Anheuser-Busch Natural Resources Building
Columbia MO 65211


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