Dear Colleagues,

Please come help celebrate 100 years of AGU in Washington, DC (December 10-14, 
2018) by submitting 
an abstract to the following session.

To submit an abstract, click:

Session Title:
New Drylands Pulse Regime Paradigm 

Session Description:
Emerging research suggests that drylands dictate the interannual variability 
and the size of the 
terrestrial carbon sink and thus an improved understanding of the factors that 
control dryland 
functioning spans numerous AGU fields. By definition, drylands are limited by 
water and past research 
has focused on how the amount and timing of precipitation affects the structure 
and function of arid and 
semiarid ecosystems. Precipitation pulse regimes are defined by the frequency, 
magnitude, and 
distribution of events. Here we propose a session focusing on how variation in 
pulse regimes across 
geographic and climate space affect processes ranging from the microbial to the 
landscape scale. We 
envision talks that explore global analyses of pulse regimes, as well as the 
impacts of these regimes on 
the functioning of drylands. We encourage submissions of theoretical, 
empirical, and modeling 

Abstract deadline: Wednesday, August 1st 2018, 11:59pm EDT.

We hope to see you there!

Osvaldo Sala (Arizona State University)
Sasha Reed (US Geological Survey)

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