Please join us at ESA Workshop 34 in New Orleans!
Knowledge Café: Application of Emerging Topics in Plant Ecology and
Evolution to Selection of Native Plant Materials for Restoration and
Ecosystem Management

All are welcome and there is no fee for this workshop, and no RSVP
required.  But we would like to get a head count, so please click here to
let us know you are coming if you can:

Here are the details:
Thursday, August 09, Workshop Link:
11:30 AM - 01:15 PM
New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center - 355

Advances in plant ecology and evolutionary biology have clear applications
to plant materials choices for ecosystem management that may have long-term
impacts on ecosystem resilience. Rapid changes in environmental and biotic
conditions are leading to unprecedented changes in selective pressures
faced by plant populations. There is a need to balance the preservation of
locally adapted genes with the desire to develop native plant materials
that are genetically diverse and can respond to ecosystem changes. However,
there is often a disconnect between the types of research being conducted
and that which is needed for application to ecosystem management. How do we
develop knowledge surrounding topics like gene flow and local adaptation in
a way that can inform native plant materials selection?

This workshop will focus on five emerging issues related to the ecological
underpinnings of native plant materials selection and use: (1) rapid
evolution, (2) risks and benefits of combining multiple populations, (3)
methodological concerns surrounding local adaptation research, (4) effects
of agricultural selection, and (5) appropriateness of using locally adapted
materials in an era of rapid change. The workshop will include brief
presentations on each topic to stimulate discussion, after which
participants will break into groups for in-depth discussion on their topic
of choice. The objectives of the workshop are to connect researchers
interested in applying concepts of ecology and evolution to plant materials
selection for restoration and ecosystem management; to facilitate sharing
of recent research initiatives and findings on these topics; and generating
new directions for research.

Organizer: Alexis L. Gibson, University of Montana
Co-organizers: Cara R. Nelson, University of Montana and Thomas N. Kaye,
Institute for Applied Ecology and Oregon State University

Additional presenters:
Jeremie Fant, Chicago Botanic Garden
Danny Gustafson, The Citadel
Julie Etterson, University of Minnesota
Karin Kettenring, Utah State University
Richard Lankau, University of Wisconsin

Tom Kaye, PhD
Executive Director
Institute for Applied Ecology
563 SW Jefferson Ave, Corvallis, Oregon 97333-4602
541-753-3099 ext. 777

Associate Professor (courtesy)
Dept. of Botany and Plant Pathology
Oregon State University
2087 Cordley Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331

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