I am seeking two graduate students (PhD preferred, MS also considered) 
to participate in multiple funded projects (NSF, US Fish and Wildlife, 
and US Forest Service) on the evolutionary ecology, and conservation of 
freshwater fishes. Students will develop a thesis/dissertation that 
builds on existing  datasets and ongoing projects involving hybrid zone 
dynamics in the Fundulus notatus species complex, freshwater fish 
assemblages in MS, and the distribution and ecology of the Pearl and 
Bayou Darters. In addition to traditional lab facilities, students will 
have access to a large ichthyological collection (>55,000 lots), 3,000 
sq ft wetlab facility, an array of experimental streams, and a new high 
performance computing cluster for genomics work. Depending on the 
student’s interests and background, additional related studies will be 
developed, taking full advantage of the numerous opportunities 
available. A start date of January 2019 is anticipated, but a summer 
2019 start may also be acceptable.

Applicants must have a BS or MS in ecology/environmental biology, 
zoology, wildlife biology, or other relevant areas. GPA and GRE scores 
must be competitive for admission to the graduate program. Prior 
experience sampling and identifying freshwater fishes is required. 
Willingness and ability to work independently under potentially 
challenging field conditions is a must.

Review of applications will begin immediately, and continue until the 
position is filled. For additional information about the position, 
contact Jake Schaefer (jake.schae...@usm.edu).

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