
Save the Redwoods League is pleased to announce the 2018/19 Research 
Grants Program call for pre-proposals. Save the Redwoods League funds 
research that deepens our understanding of how to protect redwood 
forests in a changing environment. Proposals on all topics that advance 
conservation science for either coast redwood or giant sequoia 
ecosystems are welcome.

Both new and recurring applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss 
proposed research in advance of pre-proposal submission. Please contact 
Dr. Kristen Shive, Senior Scientist, at or 
(415) 820-5852 to discuss research ideas and how they fit with the 
League’s conservation mission, as well as ask general questions about 
the program. Pre-proposals from Principal Investigators (PI) or Co-PIs 
with past-due projects as of the pre-proposal closing date will not be 
considered. Past-due projects are those that are incomplete as of the 
completion date agreed upon in the grant agreement; the League will 
consider an extension of the completion date if appropriate, and if a 
progress report is provided. Please see Applicant Eligibility below for 
further information. 

Pre-proposals are due on September 18, 2018. If your Pre-proposal is 
selected by our review committee for further consideration, a complete 
application with full proposal will be due on November 8, 2018. 

Visit our website for more information and pre-proposal instructions 

Application Eligibility 
--We only accept applications from nonprofit organizations (including 
universities and public agencies) as described in 26 USC Section 170(b) 
(1) (A) [other than clauses (vii) and (viii)] and not from individuals.
--Funding requests should not exceed $25,000 and matching funds are 
--The League does not fund indirect costs.
--Past grant recipients must have submitted an annual progress report or 
final report for all previous League grants in order to be eligible for 
funding in the current grant cycle.


Save the Redwoods League

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