Definitely check out Data Carpentry. They have what you are looking for. They 
even have a lesson for ecologists

On Sep 19, 2018, at 4:05 PM, Romi Burks 
<<>> wrote:


I'm writing to seek recommendations for someone that would be engaging, 
knowledgeable and creative as a 2-3 day workshop leader to introduce faculty at 
my small liberal arts college to the basics of R.

We have around 15 faculty interested in R for various reasons: desire to learn 
to work with undergraduate students, possibility of teaching in courses or for 
their own professional reasons.  These faculty span a wide range of 
disciplines, including the natural sciences (biology, chemistry), mathematics 
and computer science, but also others in political science, psychology, 
economics, etc...
The faculty also have various experience/exposure to R that range from none to 
having attended a workshop or two.

We desire to level the playing field and have all of us capable of speaking 
about fundamentals in R so that we can then shape further faculty development.

I would not say that we need a "R expert" by any means but instead someone with 
the experience/advice/strategies of how to get up and running and to integrate 
that learning with undergraduate research and teaching.

With some options, we could create a proposal to our administration to sponsor 
such as workshop that would cover a professional stipend for the instructor as 
well as travel and other expenses.

Thanks for your consideration.
Romi Burks

Dr. Romi L. Burks
Professor of Biology and Department Chairperson
Associated Environmental Studies Faculty
Southwestern University
Office Phone: 512-863-1280
Website:<> & Twitter: @ProfRomi


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