Graduate student positions – Carbon cycling and oxygen dynamics in coastal 
benthic systems (closes 1/15/2019)

Two graduate student positions (MS or PhD) at the University of Virginia 
are available to study carbon cycling and oxygen dynamics in coastal 
benthic systems, including seagrass meadows, permeable sands, macroalgal 
mats, and tidal flats and creeks. 
Students will be advised by Peter Berg ( 
and join the highly interdisciplinary Department of Environmental Sciences 
( Applicants are anticipated to have a solid 
background in aquatic ecology, environmental science, or related 
disciplines, and have an interest in working with underwater in situ 
sensors, including aquatic eddy covariance instrumentation. 
Ability to work as part of a team is a must, and the student’s research 
will include a mixture of field work, data analysis, and synthesis. Most of 
the work will be done as part of the Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term 
Ecological Research program ( In 
addition, national and international trips to work with collaborators can 
be expected.
Students who show acceptable progression in their academic work are 
guaranteed full funding for their degree (2.5 years for MS and 5 years for 
PhD). This support is comprised of a mixture of teaching and research 
assistantships that together provide highly competitive student stipends, 
tuition, and health insurance.
The University of Virginia graduate school application deadline is January 
15, 2019, for enrollment in the Fall of 2019, but those interested should 
contact Peter Berg ( in advance and provide a brief 
description on their background and motivation.

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