Abstracts are being accepted for a special session on disturbances, range 
shifts, and adaptation to climate change at the International Association for 
Landscape Ecology World Congress, in Milano, Italy, July 1-5 2019.

Title: Forest disturbances as drivers of tree species range shifts under global 

Brief synopsis: In order to survive in the changing climate, tree species need 
to either adapt to the new conditions or shift their distribution range. At the 
same time, the effects of abiotic (e.g. fire, wind, drought) and biotic (e.g. 
insects, pathogens) disturbance agents are increasing throughout many parts of 
the globe. Disturbance regimes influence forest dynamics and distributions in 
complex ways – the process of mortality and regeneration is likely to interact 
with those of migration or persistence processes. Together the new climate 
conditions and disturbances will result in latitudinal, longitudinal and 
elevational shifts in tree species distributions, strongly shaping the 
distribution and composition of future forested landscapes.

For a full description, see: 

Abstract submission is open now.  Please reference SYMP28, organized by Dr. 
Juha Honkaniemi.  For more info, contact Juha (juha.honkani...@boku.ac.at) or 
myself (brian.b...@ucdenver.edu).

Abstracts are due Jan. 25th, 2019, and can be submitted here: 



Brian Buma, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Integrative Biology

CU Denver


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