The Prager Lab (Department of Plant Sciences) at the University of Saskatchewan 
has funding for a graduate student (Msc or PhD) to work on topics at the 
intersection pollination biology and vector biology. The specific project is 
flexible with several possible research avenues and study systems. Students may 
start in May, or September assuming acceptance. 

Details on the Prager lab can be found
Details on the Department of Plant Sciences can be found at:

The University of Saskatchewan is located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada on 
the banks of the South Saskatchewan River. Saskatoon is a city of 260,000 
people with a diverse and thriving economic base, a vibrant arts community and 
a full range of leisure opportunities. The university has a reputation for 
excellence in teaching, research and scholarly activities, and offers a full 
range of undergraduate, graduate and professional programs to a student 
population of about 21,000. The university is one of Canada’s leading 
research-intensive universities.

Interested candidates should email Dr. Sean Prager ( and 
include a CV and explanation of experience and interests. 

Reply via email to