Q&A with $ AAAS Mass Media Fellows re applying for and doing a AAAS Mass
Media Fellowship

*FREE* | Thursday, Dec. 6, 2018 | 11 am-noon | Berry Center-room 227
or join via Zoom

This moderated Q&A will feature four past AAAS Mass Media fellows: Amanda
Grennell, Joan Meiners, Katherine Wu, and Yen Duong. They will not be
presenting; rather, they will respond to your questions about applying for
and doing a AAAS Mass Media fellowship. This free* session will be held via
and in-person at the University of Wyoming (subscribe to the WySCI
newsletter for updates
This is *not *a session organized by AAAS.

*Participation is free, but it is expected that you will have reviewed the
AAAS Mass Media Fellowship application materials
will come with questions for the fellows.


Pronouns: she|her|hers (*what's this?*

*University of Wyoming | Department of Zoology & Physiology*
BioSciences, room 16 | (307) 766-6495 | Schedule a meeting
Associate Research Scientist | Illustration & Science Writing | Wyoming
Migration Initiative | migrationinitiative.org

Director | Wyoming Science Communication Initiative | SciComm Support
Drop-In, M&Th, noon-1, 425 Wyo Hall | uwyo.edu/wysci

Instructor | Visualizing Science | ZOO 5890-4 | Autumn 2018 | Open to all
science disciplines; details at bit.ly/VisualizeScience18

*Ecological Society of America*
Section Editor | Communicating Science | *The Bulletin of the Ecological
Society of America *| Submit here
Communication and Engagement Section Past Chairperson | Editor | Webmaster
| esa.org/communication-engagement
Committee member | Committee on Diversity and Education || Engage ESA

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