The East Carolina University (ECU) Fisheries Oceanography Lab run by Dr. 
Rebecca Asch is currently recruiting new Ph.D. and Masters students to join our 
research group for the 2019-2020 academic year.  We anticipate accepting 1-2 
new graduate students to join our team.  The Asch Lab’s research program 
focuses on interactions between fisheries, plankton ecology, and climate change 
and climate variability.  Our research approach combines fieldwork, time series 
analysis, and ecosystem modeling, with different projects spanning 
local-to-global and subseasonal-to-centennial scales.  For more information 
about the Asch Lab, please see:  Also the most up-to-date 
list of Asch Lab publications is available at: 

We seek students who are highly self-motivated, independent, and creative 
thinkers that are enthusiastic about pursuing a career in marine ecology, 
oceanography, and/or fisheries management.  A strong background in quantitative 
ecology, computer programming (e.g., MATLAB, R, Python), and/or multivariate 
statistics is desired, but not required.  There are several ongoing and soon to 
be initiated projects that a prospective student could develop into a 
dissertation or thesis:

(1) Modeling climate change impacts on mismatches between the timing of fish 
reproduction and prey availability for larval fishes.  The Asch Lab is using 
Earth System Models (ESMs) to understand how the seasonal timing of plankton 
blooms will shift under climate change and how such shifts may impact the 
survival of larval fishes.  We are looking to expand this line of research to 
gain a more detailed understanding of the climate change responses of different 
plankton functional types included in ESMs.

(2) Examining seasonal variations in predator-prey interactions among larval 
fishes and mesozooplankton in Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina.  This project 
will build off existing research in the Asch Lab examining how climate 
variability affects the seasonal timing of larval fish ingress into Beaufort 
Inlet, as well as a recently established time series where we are using ZooScan 
to identify zooplankton taxa in an automated fashion via a machine learning 
algorithm.  The prospective student could expand on this research through 
either: (1) an examination of prey selectivity among the larvae of commercially 
and ecologically important fishes, or; (2) investigating how the morphometric 
condition of larvae varies over time as a function of seasonality, fish growth, 
temperature, and zooplankton abundance.  Both of these projects will contribute 
towards understanding how seasonal mismatches between the phenology of 
zooplankton and larval fishes may affect recruitment to fisheries.
(3) Forecasting the seasonal timing of spawning migrations of anadromous 
fishes.  A forecast model for the striped bass population in the Roanoke River 
will be developed based on historical data on environmental variables and 
spawning activity.  Forecasts will then be validated and refined through 
fieldwork, with a final, operational forecast product to be delivered to 
fisheries managers and the fishing community.

We also welcome applications from students who are interested in developing 
their own research ideas into a thesis or dissertation, as long as those ideas 
are closely connected with the overarching research foci of the Asch Lab.

Information on graduate programs in the ECU Department of Biology is available 
at:  Doctoral students 
can apply to work in the Asch Lab either through either the Interdisciplinary 
Doctoral Program in Biological Sciences (IDPBS) or the Coastal Resources 
Management (CRM) Program.  Graduate students accepted to one of these programs 
will be funded through either a research or teaching assistantship.  The 
priority deadline to apply for graduate admissions in the ECU Department of 
Biology is January 15, 2019.  However, prospective students should contact 
Rebecca Asch by email ( in advance of this deadline, preferably 
by mid-December.  This email should include: (1) a brief statement describing 
your research interests and career goals; (2) A C.V. or resume, and; (3) an 
unofficial academic transcript.   

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