Singapore is a fascinating city-state with nearly 6 million people in ~725 km2 
of space (third highest population density in the world, behind Monaco and 
Macau).  Because of this density, Singapore has had to develop unique and 
innovative methods of addressing land use, utilizing natural resources, 
managing waste, and maintaining biodiversity, all while balancing the needs of 
its residents.

WORLD: the David and Leighan Rinker Center for International Learning at 
Stetson University is offering a study-abroad course titled “Urban Ecology in 
Singapore” for Summer 2019.  The course will consist of two parts:  1) a 
lecture/discussion portion (tentatively set for May 13-28) that will meet 
on-line and have two major foci—ecology in Singapore and Singapore as a nation; 
2) an in-country experience (June 2-22) that will visit points of interest 
throughout Singapore and also including comparative day trips into nearby 
Malaysia and Indonesia.

The course is being led by Dr. Ryan McCleary, a Brown Visiting Teacher-Scholar 
Fellow in Biology at Stetson, who lived in Singapore for five years.  The 
in-country portion will include trips to natural areas (including night hikes), 
zoos, museums, historical sites, points of ecological interest, and local 
eating establishments.  The course is being supported in-country by an 
international study-abroad provider.

A minimum of 10 people is required for the course to occur, so it is also being 
opened to students outside the Stetson Community.  

The cost, paid to Stetson University, is $4772, which includes: 
        1)  $1000 non-refundable deposit due by 25 January 2019
        2)  $996 tuition payment (if college undergraduate credit is requested)
        3)  $2776 balance

The cost includes:
        1)  The 4-credit course
        2)  Lodging for 20 nights
        3)  Transfer to and from Changi airport
        4)  Entrance fees to all museums/zoos
        5)  Day trips to Malaysia (Johor Bahru) and Indonesia (Pulau Batam)
        6)  All breakfasts
        7)  3 planned group dinners

Cost does not include:
        1)  Roundtrip flight to Singapore
        2)  Passport fees
        3)  Other meals (although inexpensive options will be offered)

For more information, please contact Wendy Viggiano ( at 
WORLD, Dr. Ryan McCleary (, or check out the course site 

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