Dear all,

it is a great pleasure for us to inform you that we will run a one-week course 
on Bayesian data analysis using brms and RStan in March 2019, Berlin, Germany.

Our instructors for this course is Prof. Shravan Vasishth (University of 
Potsdam, Germany).


In recent years, Bayesian methods have come to be widely adopted in all areas 
of science. This is in large part due to the development of sophisticated 
software for probabilisic programming; a recent example is the astonishing 
computing capability afforded by the language Stan ( However, the 
underlying theory needed to use this software sensibly is often inaccessible 
because end-users don't necessarily have the statistical and mathematical 
background to read the primary textbooks (such as Gelman et al's classic 
Bayesian data analysis, 3rd edition). In this course, we seek to cover this 
gap, by providing a relatively accessible and technically non-demanding 
introduction to the basic workflow for fitting different kinds of linear models 
using Stan. To illustrate the capability of Bayesian modeling, we will use the 
R package RStan and a powerful front-end R package for Stan called brms. 

For more information, please visit our website:

All the best,


Carlo Pecoraro, Ph.D

Physalia-courses DIRECTOR

Twitter: @physacourses

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