Postdoctoral position:  Environmental stress physiology in fish

Dr. Manzon’s research group at the University of Regina, Canada, is seeking a 
postdoctoral fellow to study the long-term effects of stress in embryonic and 
early life stages in fish.  The ideal candidate will have a background in fish 
physiology or developmental biology and interest understanding in how cellular 
responses lead to changes at the whole organism or population levels.  

The successful applicant will examine the effects of industrial thermal 
pollution and changing environments on various aspects of physiology and 
development in Lake Whitefish.  Within this framework there will be ample 
opportunity to develop novel and independent research avenues and approach this 
problem from the cell to whole organism level using modern and traditional 
approaches.  The Manzon research lab is fully-equipped for molecular, 
biochemical, cellular, and physiological research.  In additional to all the 
necessary lab equipment, the Manzon lab includes exclusive use of a 3000 square 
foot fish lab, 7 fully equipped Loligo Swim Tunnels ranging from 1.5 to 185 L, 
and trucks and boats for field research.  Finally, the Department of Biology at 
University of Regina is home to the Institute for Environmental Society and 
Change which contains core facilities for genomics, transcriptomics and 
proteomics, confocal microscopy, stable isotopes and water quality analyses. 

This research is part of a large project funded by NSERC, MITACS and an 
industry partner.  The project involves four Principal Investigators at three 
different institutions (Dr. C. Somers, U. Regina; Dr. J. Wilson, McMaster; Dr. 
D. Boreham, NSOM), several postdoctoral fellows, and many graduate and 
undergraduate students who meet annually and work very closely with each other 
and our industrial partner, Bruce Power.  Importantly there will ample 
opportunity for close interaction with a second post-doctoral fellow 
(population genomics) and research associate (molecular physiology) at the 
University of Regina also working on this project.  

Review of applications will begin Mid-January 2019 and continue until the 
position is filled.  The ideal start date will be early 2019 but is negotiable.

Funding is currently available for 2 years ($45-55,000/year).  This position is 
partly funded by MITACS as such it is only available to those who have 
completed their Ph.D. within the past five years.  

Additional information on the Manzon research group can be found at:

Applications including a cover letter, CV, names and contact details of 3 
academic references and unofficial transcripts should be sent to Dr. Richard 
Manzon at  

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