Title:                  Tropical Avian Conservation Ecology Intern
Organization:   Third Millennium Alliance, El Observatorio de Aves Jama-Coaque 
(OAJC, aka The Jama-Coaque Bird Observatory)
Location:               Reserva Jama-Coaque, Manabí province, Ecuador
Start dates:    Multiple in 2019, see tmalliance.org/internships

Third Millennium Alliance (TMA) is a registered non-profit dedicated to 
conserving the last remnants of Pacific Ecuadorian Forests and empowering local 
communities to restore what's been lost. The organization’s flagship project is 
the Jama-Coaque Reserve and Bird Observatory – Ecuador’s first international 
bird observatory dedicated to long-term, year-round avian monitoring, research, 
conservation and capacity-building. TMA offers field-based internship 
opportunities to engage in hands-on research in a beautiful tropical rainforest 
on Ecuador's Pacific coast over the course of 4-8 week sessions.

TMA’s Research Internship is rooted in Ornithology, Tropical Ecology, and 
Conservation. The program is designed to provide both an excellent educational 
opportunity for emerging scientists and to collect ecological data in support 
of TMA’s research and conservation initiatives. All internships are lead by 
experienced and certified (North American Banding Council) ornithologists and 
bird banders.  Interns will participate in ongoing projects investigating 
demographic trends, seasonal movements, molt patterns, habitat use, nesting 
ecology, and more. Interns will also have the opportunity to participate in 
other research studies being carried out in the Reserve during their stay (e.g. 
camera trapping, primate surveys, herpetofauna studies), but these activities 
will be supplemental to the more in-depth ornithological research activities at 
the core of the internship.


- Mist-netting
- Bird banding
- Bird identification
- Bird handling techniques
- Aging and sexing techniques
- Study/sampling design
- Nest searching/monitoring
- GPS navigation
- Data management
- Camera-trapping
- Wildlife monitoring
- Conservation practices


Taste of the Tropics (4-week sessions)

1. January 28th – February 22nd
2. February 25th – March 22nd
3. May 27th – June 21st
4. June 24th – July 19th

Tropical Immersion (8-week sessions)

1. January 28th - March 22nd
2. May 27th - July 19th

A complete description of the TMA internship with the 2019 schedule and prices 
can be found on our website: http://tmalliance.org/internships/about/


Prior experience working with birds or other wildlife is not required to 
participate. Each internship session begins with an intensive two-week training 
period to help develop necessary skills. Interns may also be asked to review 
literature supplied by TMA before beginning their programs.  Interns will 
receive the full tropical field ornithology experience, which means many days 
spent waking before the sun and hiking in difficult field conditions while 
carrying equipment, thus applicants should be in good physical condition. Given 
these realities, passion for wildlife (particularly birds) and conservation, a 
hard work ethic, and a positive attitude are all critical to your success and 
our top requirements.

* Accreditation–For students looking to get academic credit for our internship 
program, please discuss the options available with your advisor or internship 
office. TMA does not currently have the ability to independently provide 
academic credit, but we are happy to work with your university to ensure all 
requirements are met by our program. Our staff is happy to provide an 
evaluation of performance and complete any paperwork required by the university.


Application material (Application Form, Cover Letter, and CV/Resume) is 
available on the TMA website here:  

Please submit your application to TMA (i...@tmalliance.org). The subject of 
your application email should read as follows: “APPLICATION – Internship 
Length/ Start Date (Your Name)”. For example: “APPLICATION -Taste of the 
Tropics Jan. 4th (John Doe)”.

We look forward to working with you soon!

Jama-Coaque Reserve Team
Third Millennium Alliance

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