A NSF funded workshop on the ecology of Caribbean octocorals will be offered June 3-9 at the Keys Marine Laboratory in the Florida Keys.The workshop will be led by Drs.Howard Lasker and Peter Edmunds, with contributing lectures from Drs. Juan Sanchez, Cathy McFadden, Lorenzo Bramanti and Mary Alice Coffroth. The goal of the workshop is to promote and facilitate research on octocorals in general and Caribbean species in particular. The course will include field and laboratory identification of shallow water Caribbean octocorals, and discussions of their reproductive, population and community ecology.The workshop will include both field collections and laboratory analyses.

A registration fee of $1,000 will cover on-site expenses including housing and meals but does not include airfare and transportation to the Keys Marine Lab.Substantial funding will be available to support participation.

Applicants should send a letter of application, C.V. and brief statement explaining your reasons for taking the course.Graduate students should include contact information for a reference.If support is needed please include a statement of financial need including a travel budget and any available funding.Applications from both domestic and international participants are encouraged.Applications should be sent to Dr. Howard Lasker, <> no later than February 15, 2019.

Howard R. Lasker
Director, Graduate Program in Evolution, Ecology & Behavior Professor, Department of Geology

Mailing Address:
   Dept. of Geology
   411 Cooke Hall
   University at Buffalo        
   Buffalo, NY 14260-3050

   443 Hochstetter Hall

Laboratory (shipping address):
   474 Hochstetter Hall
   University at Buffalo–North Campus
   Buffalo, NY 14260-3050

Phone:       Office  (716) 645-4870
             Lab     (716) 645-4876
Fax:                 (716) 645-3999


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