I've just published a paper that discusses how to write promotion/tenure
letters that might interest some. A pdf can be obtained here
http://abc.museucienciesjournals.cat/files/ABC_42-1_pp_39-43.pdf  . Cheers,

Gary D. Grossman, PhD
Fellow, American Fisheries Soc.
Fellow, The Linnean Soc.

Professor of Animal Ecology
Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources
University of Georgia
Athens, GA, USA 30602

Affiliate Professor Haifa University

Website - Science, Art (G. Grossman Fine Art) and Music www.garygrossman.net
Blog - https://medium.com/@garydavidgrossman
Board of Editors - Animal Biodiversity and Conservation
Editorial Board - Freshwater Biology
Editorial Board - Ecology Freshwater Fish

Hutson Gallery Provincetown, MA - www.hutsongallery.net/artists.html

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