For those submitting a proposal in response to this NSF “Dear Colleague
re: Research Coordination Networks (RCNs) for driving convergent science
with NEON -- the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (
NCEAS <>) encourages all applicants to consider
leveraging NCEAS' facilities and expertise for related synthesis working
group meetings and activities.

As the DCL makes clear, RCN awards “will provide collaborative
opportunities for NEON-enabled science communities to synthesize
investigations of key ecological problems, ideas, and practices.” To that
end, these awards can include funds devoted to convening research working
group meetings at NCEAS
<>, plus
related activities.

For 24 years, NCEAS has led and hosted collaborative synthesis research
projects that tackle longstanding ecological and environmental problems at
regional, continental and global scales. It remains the world’s premier
synthesis science center for ecological research, and can help successful
RCN projects manage collaborative open science activities in support of the
DCL’s five listed science priorities.

Meetings that take place at NCEAS will gain access to:


   State-of-the-art analytical infrastructure and networked meeting space
   to support the in-person (and virtual) meetings required for successful RCN

   Working group research methods honed to maximize meeting effectiveness

   On-site expertise in environmental data science and informatics

   Training programs and related activities that can help meet the proposal
   requirement to “build the next generation of scientists involved in
   NEON-enabled science”

   Administrative and logistical support for all travel and lodging related
   to working group meetings

For more information about how to include research activities at NCEAS in
your RCN proposal funding request, please contact NCEAS Director Ben
Halpern ( and/or Deputy Director Geoff Willard (

Geoff Willard
Deputy Director, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (
Deputy Director, Science for Nature and People Partnership (
735 State Street, Suite 300  |  Santa Barbara, CA 93101 <>  |  805 893-7551

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