We are now accepting applications for the Summer 2019 internship in *Tropical
Ecology and Evolution at El Verde Field Station, Puerto Rico*.  The
internship will run from May 27 - August 2.

Application deadline: 28 February 2019

The program will offer students the opportunity to have hands-on experience
fields such as:

   - Aquatic insect ecology
   - Caddisfly (Trichoptera) and Mosquito (Diptera) Ecology
   - Rodent Ecology and Plant-Animal Interactions
   - Plant Population Ecology and Invasive Species Biology
   - Wetland and Riparian Ecology
   - Meiofauna and Protists Ecology

Students receive a stipend for the ten weeks duration of the program.
Round-trip plane ticket from home institution to Puerto Rico will be
reimbursed, up to a maximum of $600.  The program will cover housing at El
Verde Field Station.  The National Science Foundation funds the program.

The program is limited to undergraduate students pursuing a bachelor degree
at a college or university during summer 2019 that are US citizens or
permanent residents.

Application materials and further information can be found at

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