How color polymorphisms in frogs affect vulnerability to fungal infection

The Johnson Laboratory ( is accepting a 
qualified undergraduate NSF REU applicant for our field crew in the Bay Area of 
California beginning in May 11 (some flexibility) and concluding in early 
August 2019. 

The Johnson laboratory has made it our mission to sincerely commit to promoting 
diversity! This search is open to all student candidates (that will not 
graduate prior to June 2019) from any race, color, religion, ethnic, gender, 
gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, or veteran 
status especially those from underrepresented groups in science. 

Project details: A field-based investigation into the role of host color in 
amphibian body temperature and infection susceptibility: The primary objective 
for this project is understand the relationship between amphibian color, host 
thermal profile, and infection. The student will investigate this topic using 
broad-scale field surveys in central California ponds, a region that is ideal 
for addressing these questions because of previously documented heterogeneity 
in Bd prevalence and intensity both among ponds and through time. 
            The selected REU student will work closely with our collaborative 
field team in the California Bay Area, where our research into amphibian 
disease ecology is focused. They will be stationed at the UC Reserve Blue Oaks 
Ranch, which provides housing, laboratory facilities, and a vibrant academic 
atmosphere. During this time, the student will gain experience in sampling 
aquatic ecosystems, including techniques for censusing amphibians and other 
aquatic organisms. This will include performing additional field sampling 
techniques including but not limited to: dipnets, seines, visual surveys, snail 
parasite identification, and pathogen swabbing. In addition, this individual 
will be expected to assist with daily record keeping and equipment maintenance 
Along with gaining experience in general field techniques the REU will quantify 
patterns of Bd infection, host color, and temperature of captured frogs.  

To apply: Email an application package that should include (1) a brief 
statement of interest detailing how obtaining an REU would advance your career 
goals; (2) a description of related previous research; (3) a statement of how 
you will support diversity and inclusion in our field team, and finally (4) a 
current CV. Please compile the application package into a single PDF and email 
to with the subject title (COLOR REU application) by 
February 11th, 2018.

*Please remember ONLY undergraduates that will be continuing their education in 
fall 2019 can apply*

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