Master’s and PhD positions available in the *Trant Ecological Legacy Lab* at
the University of Waterloo


Examining the historical ecology and dynamics of caribou in the Torngat
Mountains, Labrador. One of the main parts of this project will involve
using dendroecological methods (aka shrub rings) to reconstruct historic
herd sizes. Funding is available for the duration of the 2 years.


Exploring the past/future forests and biodiversity across southern Ontario
resulting from long-term environmental change and the related ecological
legacies of indigenous and non-indigenous resource use. A mix of
experimental/observational/remote-sensed approaches would be ideal for
exploring these topics. Funding is available for 3-4 years, depending on

To apply, please send your CV, unofficial transcripts, and a brief
statement of research interests to me:

For more information on the research and people in the lab, please visit:

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