M.Sc. Assistantship in Growth and Yield and Silviculture of Northern Hardwoods

The Froese Lab is seeking a new graduate student to evaluate and synthesize 50+ 
year results from historic silviculture system experiments in northern 
hardwoods in the Upper Great Lakes region. This project is a collaboration with 
USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station, and the Ford Center and Forest 
at Michigan Technological University. Funding is provided by the Sustainable 
Forestry Initiative, Wisconsin and Michigan Implementation Committees.

Research in the silviculture of Great Lakes hardwoods began in 1926 with the 
establishment of trials at the Dukes Experimental Forest near Marquette, MI. 
Results published in the seminal work by Eyre and Zilgitt (1953) were the 
foundation for the pioneering “Marking Guide for Northern Hardwoods under the 
Selection System” by Arbogast (1957). Similar trials were established at the 
Argonne Experimental Forest in 1951 (Strong et al. 1995) and the Ford Center 
and Forest in 1957 (Bourdo 1957). These studies have been maintained over time 
following the original design with periodic data collection and analysis. In 
this research, recent remeasurements from each study will be collated and a 
comprehensive analysis completed of growth, yield, mortality, ingrowth, 
composition, structure, and financial performance over 65 years for the three 
historic silvicultural trials.

The successful applicant will have good written communication and computational 
skills.  Prior experience participating in field research is a plus. A related 
undergraduate degree and/or work experience in a related field would be an 
advantage.  This position is a supported graduate research assistantship, 
including stipend, tuition, and most required fees.

Michigan Tech’s School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science 
(http://www.mtu.edu/forest/ <http://www.mtu.edu/forest/>) is particularly known 
for its excellence in the fields of forestry, applied ecology, forest molecular 
genetics, and wildlife management. Established in 1885, Michigan Tech is a 
nationally recognized research University, with nearly 7,000 students from 60 
countries, and is a leader in science and engineering education. Located in 
Houghton, near the shores of Lake Superior, Michigan Tech offers a friendly, 
safe, and affordable living environment with excellent year-round outdoor 
recreation opportunities.

Please contact Dr. Robert Froese (fro...@mtu.edu <mailto:fro...@mtu.edu>) if 
you are interested, or would like to know more. To apply, please email Dr. 
Froese your CV, GPA, GRE scores (if available) with a cover letter that 
includes a description your research interests and previous research 
experience. We will begin reviewing applications immediately, and will continue 
to accept applications until the position is filled.

Robert E. Froese, PhD RPF RF CF
School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science
Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI 49931 USA
+1-906-487-2723 | froese.mtu.edu | @robfroese

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