Dear colleagues,

we are filling two three year positions in two multi-investigator grants 
dealing with the social-ecology and bio-economics of marine and freshwater 
recreational fisheries at Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland 
Fisheries in Berlin ( <> ). The 
positions are affiliated with my interdisciplinary group studying recreational 
fisheries as coupled social-ecological systems ( 
<> ). 

We are searching both for a postdoc to work on recreational fisheries on 
Western Baltic cod as well as a PhD student to work on angler behaviour in 
freshwater landscapes.  

The details of the annoucement can be found in these two links, and the 
application deadline is February, 15.


Many thanks and all the best.


Prof. Dr. Robert Arlinghaus 
 Fisheries Professor @ Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland 
Fisheries & Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 
 What we do and have to say
 Lab Website <> 
 Twitter <> 
 Facebook <> 
 You Tube Channel <> 
 Hot Fisheries Topics <> 
 Research Gate 
 Google Scholar Profile 
 60 min documentary 
 Besatzfisch Film (German) <> 

Besatzfisch Movie (English)
 Key projects
 Baggersee <> 
 Impress <> 

CoCCoN <> 


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