Postdoctoral Researcher
Project EDDIE, Center for Mathematics Science and Technology (CeMaST) at 
Illinois State University

We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher who is interested in how working 
with large datasets helps students learn quantitative skills and how teaching 
with these inquiry-based activities affects instructors’ approaches to teaching 
on a larger scale. The postdoctoral researcher would join a dynamic team of 
faculty to work within the NSF-funded Project EDDIE (Environmental Data-Driven 
Inquiry & Exploration; In Project EDDIE, a community of 
faculty develops modular curricula using large, publicly available online 
datasets that contribute to improved quantitative reasoning among 
college/university students. Goals of Project EDDIE are to foster a pedagogical 
orientation favoring open inquiry with large datasets among faculty, and to 
identify mechanisms that contribute to shifts in faculty's pedagogical 
orientation toward inquiry-based teaching. Under Rebekka Darner's mentorship, 
the postdoctoral researcher’s primary tasks will be to create an instrument 
that measures post-secondary science instructors' pedagogical orientation, 
conduct and analyze faculty interviews to establish content validity of the 
instrument, and administer the developed instrument to a national sample of 
science faculty to establish construct validity. The postdoctoral associate 
will have opportunity to pursue additional research endeavors within Project 
EDDIE and the large community of STEM education researchers at ISU. A 
background in science education is helpful but not required. 

More details on the position can be found at the job description and 
application website below. The position will start 
as early as spring 2019 and is for 12 months. Illinois State University is an 
equal opportunity employer.

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